

2017-02-19    02'59''

主播: 冲浪的少年

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February 17, 2017 2017年2月17日 My fellow Americans, 我的美国同胞们, We have taken major steps during the first few weeks of my Administration to remove wasteful regulations and get our people back to work. I have been saying I was going to do that for a long time. 在我的政府就职前几周里,我们已经采取了主要的措施,取消无意义的规定,让我们的民众回到工作岗位.我一直说,我要这么做已经很长时间了. This week I signed two pieces of legislation to remove burdens on our economy, continue to keep my promises to the American People and so much more. 本周,我签署了两项法律,取消我们经济上的负担,继续信守我对美国人民的承诺以及更多的事情. I signed House Joint Resolution 38, which eliminates an anti-coal regulation put forward by unelected bureaucrats. Our coal miners have been treated horribly, and we are going to turn that around - and we are going to turn it around quickly. We are going to fight for lower energy prices for all Americans as part of the deal. 我签署了众议院38号联合协议,去除了反燃煤监管.这是由未当选的官员推动发起的.我们的煤矿工人被不公平地对待着,我们将翻转过来--我们将快速地翻转过来.作为决议的一部分,我们将为更低的能源价格而奋斗,为了所有的美国人. That&`&s why I also signed a resolution to eliminate a costly regulation Dodd-Frank imposed on American energy companies. By stopping this regulation, we are able to save American companies and workers millions and millions of dollars in job-killing compliance costs. 因此,我也签署了决议,去除浪费资金的多德•弗兰克法案.这一法案是针对美国能源企业的.通过终结这样的条例,我们能为美国的企业和员工,在就业合规成本上节省数百万美元. But to truly succeed as a country, we must realize the full potential of women in our economy. 但一个国家真正实现成功,我们必须让妇女在我们经济中发挥出全部潜力. That is why I was thrilled to host the White House&`&s women&`&s business leaders roundtable - very exciting, great women. 因此,我怀着兴奋的心情在白宫举办商界妇女领袖圆桌会议--她们都是令人兴奋伟大的女性. As President, I am committed to ensuring that women entrepreneurs have equal access to the capital, markets, and networks of support that they need, and I mean really need. And it&`&s going to happen. This is a priority for my Administration. I campaigned on helping women in the workforce, and we are going to deliver on that promise, believe me. 作为总统,我承诺确保女性企业家在她们需要的资金,市场和网络支持上能得到公平的机会.我是说真正需要的.这就将实现.这是我政府的优先事项.我曾为职业女性而战,我们将实现这样的承诺,相信我. In fact, as part of my first official meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau this week, we announced the creation of the joint United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders. Actually, very exciting. 实际上,我本周首次与加拿大总理贾斯汀•特鲁多官方会谈的内容之一就是,我们宣布建立美加联合理事会,为女性企业家和商界领袖发展而努力.实际上,这非常让人兴奋. The United States also reaffirmed our unbreakable bond this week with our cherished ally, Israel. It was an honor to welcome my friend, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House. 本周,美国也重申我们与珍贵盟友以色列牢不可破的关系.很荣幸欢迎我的朋友,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡来到白宫. I affirmed to the Prime Minister America&`&s commitment to working with Israel and our allies and partners toward greater security and stability. The threat of terrorism - and believe me it is a threat - must be confronted and defeated and we will defeat it. 我向总理重申美国的承诺,与以色列,我们的盟友以及合作伙伴,致力于更大的安全和稳定.恐怖主义的威胁--相信我这是威胁--必须得到应对和必须被战胜,我们将战胜它. We share with Israel a deep conviction that we must protect all innocent human life. 我们和以色列共享深厚的信念,我们必须保护所有无辜民众的生命. So as you head into the President&`&s Day weekend, the American people should know that we are working tirelessly on your behalf. We are not here for the benefit of bureaucrats, consultants, or pundits - we are here to work for you, and only for you, the American people. 所以在你参与到总统日的周末里,美国民众应该了解,我们代表你们在不知疲倦的工作.我们在这里不是为了官僚,咨询顾问或者权威的利益,我们是为了你们而工作,只是为了你们,美国民众. Thank you, God Bless you and God Bless America. 谢谢大家,上帝保佑你们,上帝保佑美国.