

2017-08-25    00'42''

主播: 漫步云端🐵🐵

22 0

You would think people would stay home, right? But no, we come out and play. My favorite winter activity on ice is called “bing ga”. I don’t know. It’s just a top thing that you put on ice and you spin it, and then you use a whip just to whip it. Whip it hard. And then it’ll spin really fast and it’ll make noises. It’ll go like “Whoo”, like a whistle sound. This is called “bingtanghulu”, and it’s a kind of fruit covered with sugar and it’s really crunchy and crispy and sweet and sour. Yeah, this is where I grew up, on this street, my hood. There used to be a music store over here. That’s where I bought my Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey CDs.