20170906珍惜 感恩 一位母爱的倒计时

20170906珍惜 感恩 一位母爱的倒计时

2017-09-06    01'02''

主播: 漫步云端🐵🐵

9 0

She said, "Well, you know, I see a solid mass. " That was the first time I thought, "Okay, it didn't sound good. " At just 36 years old, Alexa had Triple Negative Stage Three Breast Cancer. And just a few months ago, revealing the cancer has spread to her brain, writing, "We were supposed to be done. " She had surgery in October, but her prognosis was not good. So last month, a trip to Italy, something she had dreamed of doing with her girls to tell them the truth. " Cancer's gonna win. Your mommy is gonna die. So, that's the hardest part for me. " Alexa wants her story to be a reminder to other young moms, to take care of themselves, and take nothing for granted. " Be present in the moment, where your baby is thrilled because they have strawberry. You know, and appreciate that, and be happy about that. "