20171011删除好友unfriending people on facebook

20171011删除好友unfriending people on facebook

2017-10-11    00'40''

主播: 漫步云端🐵🐵

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10.11 EMF全文 Well, on this program we often talk about the peaks and troughs of the commodities market, but as the writer Christopher Morley once said, “Words are a commodity in which there’s never any slump.” So, without any further ado, the word of the year as chosen by the New Oxford American Dictionary - “unfriend”. Now, the verb means to remove someone as a “friend” on a social networking site, such as Facebook. An example: “I decided to unfriend Maggie after we fought over the last crumpet at the board meeting.”
上一期: 20171010勇敢的心
下一期: 20171011艾玛 沃森