

2017-10-12    00'44''

主播: 漫步云端🐵🐵

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10-12【轻课·英语麦克风】加泰罗尼亚为什么总想脱离西班牙? 原文重现 But why do Catalans want to separate from Spain? Let’s break it down. The history of Catalonia goes back to the early Middle Ages and was believed to be a separate nation from the very beginning. It’s the wealthiest of Spain’s 17 semi-autonomous regions. Later, Catalonia established its own parliament, police force, and education system, but calls for full independence have never stopped. If anything, the call has become stronger, especially since the European economic crisis. Meanwhile, there’s another significant question that we should ask – Do all Catalans want independence? It’s hard to guess what the future holds for the Catalans.