歌曲《I have a little bicycle》

歌曲《I have a little bicycle》

2019-04-10    03'41''

主播: Johnson老师

1054 6

这一期乐比之声为小朋友们带来了一首欢快的英语歌曲《I have a little bicycle》,小朋友们出门感受阳光的同时也要记得遵守交通规则哟 I have a little bicycle 我有一辆小自行车 I ride it to and fro 我骑着它来来回回 And when I see that big green light 当我看到那个大大的路灯 I know it's time to go! 我知道可以过去啦 I have a little bicycle 我有一辆小自行车 I bought it at the shop 我从商店里买来 And when I see that big red light 当我看到那个大大的红灯 I know it's time to stop 我知道该停下了
上一期: What do you want
下一期: A school day