

2019-07-07    07'01''

主播: Johnson老师

259 3

本期电台节目回顾了我们睡衣派对中听到的英文故事,并且把小朋友们的愿望分享给大家~参加睡衣派对的家长们一定要注意留心听自己孩子写下的小小愿望哦! The King of Loobi is fond of sleeping. He only wears pajama all year round. It was a hot summer night, he work up from a nightmare. He dreamed that a thief had stole all of his favorite pajamas and run away very fast that nobody can catch him. Then, he rummaged through all his closets. It was lucky all his pajamas are sleeping like dogs in the closets, but unfortunately, he found they were gnawed away by rats. The king was very upset and uttered a sigh, and then ask his minister for some advice. After a long talk, the king had pondered over every suggestion and decided to hold a Pajama Party beginning with the fashion show, which can help them to select latest pajamas in style and have fun with different people. What’s more, the King will elect the best designer and give award to the group.
上一期: Short conversation