冬冬原创美文《最后一片叶子》The Last Leaf

冬冬原创美文《最后一片叶子》The Last Leaf

2016-03-07    04'17''

主播: Max冬冬

6429 86

The Last Leaf 最后一片叶子 作者:冬冬 翻译:冬爸 The autumn wind was blowing. It was time once more for the leaves to rest. 秋风瑟瑟。又到了叶落归根的时候了。 But I was not ready to go yet. I had business left unfinished in this world. So when the next breeze of autumn air swept past. I held on tight, and became the last leaf on the old oak tree. 可是,我还没有离去的念头。在这个世界上,我还有一些未了的心愿。当秋风再次吹起的时候,我紧紧抓住树干,成了老橡树上最后一片叶子。 I sang for days and nights, so glad I was not yet leaving this world. One morning, I was still cheerfully singing when the old badger walked by, sighing. I called to him, “Mr. Badger, why are you sighing?” 昼去夜来,我不停地唱着,为自己依旧还在这个世界上感到欣慰。一天早晨,正当我兴高采烈地吟唱时,那只上了年纪的老獾从树下经过 一边走着,一边长吁短叹。我叫住了他,问道:“老獾先生,你干嘛唉声叹气呀?” The badger answered, “My time has come. I must leave this world. Farewell, my little leaf, farewell.” 老獾回答说:“我的时辰到了。我该走了。永别了,小叶子!永别了!” The old badger took one last look at me. In his eyes, I saw great grief. 老獾最后又看了我一眼。而我在他的目光里,看到了莫大的悲伤。 I was very sad to see the old badger go, but I was still not ready to part the oak tree. So I held on longer. 看着老獾离去的背影,我心里非常惆怅。可是,我依旧没有走的打算。我还要坚持下去。 One peaceful night, I heard footsteps under the tree. I looked down and saw an elephant. She was looking at the stars in the sky, tears rolling out of her bright blue eyes. 在一个十分宁静的夜晚,我听到树下传来了一阵脚步声。低头一瞧,看见了一头大象。她正静静地望着夜空,泪珠从她那明亮的蓝色眼睛里滚落下来。 "Why are you sad, Mrs. Elephant?" I asked. "Oh, if you only knew, my darling,” she replied in a hoarse voice. “I've grown old and useless. So, you see, I must walk down to the tomb and die.” “什么事让你这么伤心,象太太?” 我问道。 “哎,你哪里知道啊,亲爱的!” 她的嗓音有点沙哑。“我老了,没用了。所以,你看,我得找个属于自己的地方,该了断了。” She stared at the stars and cried some more. Then she walked down the night path quietly. I was so very sad, but, yet again, was not ready to leave. 她两眼直勾勾地望着星空,泪水不断地涌出。接着,沿着夜路,悄悄地走去。 我伤心极了,可是,还想继续留下去。 In the next few days, many creatures died. But every time, I told myself that I couldn't leave! So I stayed there stubbornly for another week until the tree said something to me. 在接下来的日子里,很多生物都陆续离去。可是,每一次,我都告诉自己,不能去!就这样,我依旧呆在树上,十分执着,一呆又是一个星期,直到有一天,老树在我耳边说了些什么。 It was a bright morning. The tree called me to his side, and said, “Little one, I can't keep you any more. I'm sorry, but everything dies in the end. It's how Mother Nature works. Even a tremendous tree like me will die eventually! My core will rot, and then, I will die! So fly with the breeze. May it take you to an ending you please!” 那是一个晴朗的早晨。橡树把我叫到身边,说道:“小家伙,不能再留你了。对不住了,可是,天下万物最终都会有那么一天。这是自然母亲的旨意啊。即便巨大如我,最后也难逃一劫!我的心会烂,我的身会死!去吧,随风去吧。让她带你去你想到的地方!” I was deeply touched by the tree's words. So I plunged down without hesitating one bit. 大树的话让我深受感动。我毫无犹豫,一头扎了下去。 As I fell to the ground, I thought of my friends and family, and of how they loved me. But, we all shall come to our ends, and I found mine. Therefore, I left no sorrow in this beautiful world. 在我坠落的过程中,我想起了我的家人和朋友,想起了他们对我的热爱。可是,万物固有一死,我找到了自己的归宿。因此,在这个美丽的世界上,我已经没有了任何痛苦。 The snow came quickly, burying my tracks forever. 很快,下雪了,把我的痕迹全部掩埋。