冬冬原创 The Witch 女巫

冬冬原创 The Witch 女巫

2016-10-18    02'09''

主播: Max冬冬

1365 26

High above the town, where no animals roam, There stands a house shaped like a dome. And legend says that a witch lives there, And every day she takes a bath with some child-flavored foam. One day, out of her mind was bored the witch, When suddenly did an idea in her mind twitch. She put on her black cape, and said to herself, "I'll go into town for a little snatch-snitch!" She found a big sack when she started to worry, She said in her head, “I must hurry! The people in that town, they are very dangerous! Their knives are sharp and their guns are fiery! But again, no one has hurt me ever before!” When she thought of that, she cackled until her back was sore! She snickered and giggled and chuckled and tooted, She could not wait any more! So, quick as a flash, she ran to the town. She ran forward and backward, and, with magic, upside down! But when she finally got there, Her grin turned into a frown. She saw the villagers waiting for her. They were holding torches lit with fire! They fought with the witch, and burned her to the ground, And, instantly, her body floated higher and higher! A few seconds later, her remains were nowhere to be found. The whole town was quiet for a moment, not a single sound! Then they celebrated, everybody did. Even little kittens and many a hound! 小镇高高的山上, 望不到动物的影踪。 山上有一幢房子, 活脱脱的一个穹窿。 话说,那幢房子 是一个女巫的寝宫。 她每天都要把澡洗, 婴孩味儿的泡泡浴是其情之所钟。 一天,她正独自闲得无聊, 突然,一个念头闪过大脑。 我要到小镇上去瞧上一瞧。 她手里拿着一个大麻袋, 心中却掠过一丝丝烦恼。 “我得赶紧的! 一个声音在心里说道。 那个镇上的人啊, 个个脾气暴躁! 不光有夺命的枪支, 还有催魂的砍刀! 不过,从来没有人 真的把我怎么着! 她一边想着, 一边格格地笑, 直到笑疼了肚子, 笑弯了腰。 她一会儿捂着嘴偷笑, 一会儿吃吃地傻笑, 一会儿压低声音暗笑, 一会儿喇叭一样嘟嘟嘟地笑。 她不能, 不能再等了! 便像一道闪电, 向小镇进军。 她忽前忽后,忽左忽右, 像魔术师般,上下翻滚。 终于,来到镇上, 心头不觉一凉。 一双紧锁的眉头, 代替了露齿而笑的模样。 原来,村民早已聚集, 一个个火炬拿在手上。 他们 一拥而上, 把女巫 烧倒在地上。 说时迟,那时快, 女巫的身体向空中飞翔。 一眨眼的功夫, 就消失在上方。 一时间,小镇 鸦雀无声。 大家一起庆祝, 一起尽情欢腾。 就连猎犬、小猫, 也沉静在欢跃之中。