

2015-02-04    22'37''

主播: Ryan_馨茗

5315 190

这部电影原声带超赞,但电影是讲两个患癌症的青少年间有关爱情,生命和死亡的故事。很温暖也很悲伤,我没有勇气去看,所以这一部电影静静听歌~ 【歌单】 1.not about angels-Birdy 2.tee shirt-Birdy 3.best shot-Birdy&Jaymet Young 4.wait-M83 5.all of the stars-Ed Sheeran 6.without words-Ray Lamontagne 1. If you want the rainbow you have to deal with the rain. 想要彩虹,得经历一场大雨。 2. Pain demands to be felt. 痛苦要求被感觉到。 3. Sometimes people don't understand the promises that they're making when they make them. 有时候,人们许诺时并没有真懂自己许的诺言。 4. He puts the killing thing in his mouth but he doesn't actually give it the power to kill him. 把致命的东西叼在口中,却不给它伤害的力量。 5. I love you.And I know that love is just a shout into the void and that oblivion is inevitable.And that we are all doomed and that one day all of our labors will be returned to dust.And I know that the sun will swallow the only Earth we will ever have.And I am in love with you. 我爱你,我知道爱如同对空虚呐喊,而且它必然会被遗忘,我们的命运已注定,有一天所有的辛苦都会化为灰烬,我也知道太阳会吞没唯一的地球,但我还是爱你。 6. It's difficult in times like these.It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals.They seem so absurd and impractical yet I cling to them because I still believe in spite of everything,that people are truly good at heart. 这是个艰难的时期,奇妙的是我并没有抛弃所有的理想,那些理想看似荒唐又不切实际,然而我紧握不放,因为我仍相信,不管怎样,人性还是善良的。 注:选自《安妮日记》1944.7.15 7. I long to ride a bike,dance,whistle,look at the world,feel young and know that I'm free. 我渴望骑脚踏车,跳舞,吹口哨,看这个世界,感受年轻与自由。 注:选自《安妮日记》1943.12.24 8. All is as it should be.God wishes to see people happy.Where there is hope there is life. 一切都是理所当然的,上帝希望见到人们开心,有希望的地方就有生命。 注:选自《安妮日记》1344.2.23 9. As such moments I can't think about the misery but about the beauty that still remains.Try to recapture the happiness within yourself.Think of all the beauty in everything around you and be happy. 在这样的时刻,我无法想到痛苦,反而想到仍然存在的美好,试着珍藏自己的幸福,想想你周围的一切美好的事物,保持愉快。 注:选自《安妮日记》1944.3.7 10. You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world but you do have a say in who hurts you. 你无从选择在世上是否受到伤害,但你能选择谁来伤害你。