021 Edward and the Great Discovery

021 Edward and the Great Discovery

2017-09-02    03'42''

主播: 花木Koi

77 2

『阿花说』 在故事《爱德华的伟大发现》中,爱德华在一个雨天发现一只蛋,他细心呵护下终于孵出一只鸟,可是为什么这只鸟不会飞呢? 出版社:New Frontier Publishing 作者:Rebecca McRitchie 插画:Celeste Hulme 适合年龄段:4+ 『原文』 Edward and the Great Discovery by Rebecca McRitchie Edward's mother is an archaeologist. Edward's father is an archaeologist. Edward's grandmother and grandfather are archaeologists. And all of them have made very important discoveries. But Edward has never discovered anything. Not a single fossil. Not a shard of bone. Not even one piece of treasure. One night, when rain turned the ground into mud, Edward tripped …over an egg. What could be inside? Thought Edward. A dinosaur? A dragon? Filled with hope, Edward rolled the egg into his house. He cleaned it. Kept it warm. Read to it. And loved it. Then one day it hatched. It wasn't a dinosaur. Or a dragon. It was a bird. A bird that followed Edward everywhere. A bird that helped him. A bird that loved him. But soon Edward realised that there was something wrong with his bird. It couldn't fly. His only discovery was broken. So Edward sulked. And Edward moped. To cheer himself up, Edward went to his favourite place in the world — The Museum of Ancient Things. But neither the giant whale above him or the huge T-Rex skull made him happy. Then he found himself in a room he had never seen before. A room full of birds. But why couldn't his bird fly? wondered Edward. Then he spotted a book resting on the highest shelf. Carefully, Edward climbed the ladder to reach it. But just as he touched the book, Edward fell...safely onto his bird's back. 'You're not broken,' said Edward. 'You're a dodo.' 'Dodos lived hundreds of years ago. And you're not meant to fly like other birds. You're special.' Edward had made a great discovery about friendship. -The End- 感谢收听~🐦