

2018-05-28    01'14''

主播: 万钧🐱🎸

65 3

It's been a long time coming. China’s first hom-built aircraft carrier set sail today, kicking-off tests and operational trials. The still-unnamed ship left its dock from the northern port city of Dalian earlier this morning. In a statement by the Defense Ministry, tests are set to last from Sunday to Friday, and will “test the reliability and stability of the ship’s propulsion and other systems”. There are a few differences between the Liaoning and the new ship. The Liaoning has a 67,500 tonnes displacement, while the new carrier has 55,000 tonnes. The new ship is domestically manufactured, while the Liaoning is a modified vessel based on a Soviet Union model. Neither the Liaoning nor the new ship is nuclear-powered, but both can carry around forty planes and have similar “ski jump” ramps. 这一天终于来了,中国第一艘自制航空母舰今天启航,进行测试和设备调试试验。清晨,这艘尚未命名的航母从北方港口城市大连驶离了码头。国防部声称,海试将会从周日持续到周五,检测动力系统等设备的可靠性和稳定性。 这艘新航母和辽宁舰有些不同,辽宁舰的排水量为67500吨,而这艘新航母的排水量为55000吨。这艘新航母是由我国自主建造,而辽宁舰则是由一艘前苏联航母改造而成。无论是辽宁舰还是这艘新的航空母舰都不是核动力的航母,但都可以搭载约40架飞机,且有相似的“跳高滑雪”坡道。