

2019-05-14    04'50''

主播: 万钧🐱🎸

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5-14麦克风 人人都说青春期的女生十八变。我现在就算是在监控自己接下去几年的长相变化过程。也许我会去整容,谁知道呢? Everyone says the girls change so much over adolescence. I’m basically sort of monitoring how the changing process happens over these next years really. I might go for a cosmetic surgery. So who knows. 这很棒,我是说,当老师太妙了。虽然只有15年时间,但是我感觉人生很圆满,因为我有自己的一群小粉丝,和他们一起共度珍贵的时光,一点一点地慢慢变老。 Yeah, that’s great. I mean teaching is amazing. It’s only been 15 years, but I’m just so complete to have my own little bundle of fans and be able to spend some previous times with them as we slowly, slowly, starts to grow old. 你们已经有了一点点小麦老师说英语的腔调了,非常好。感谢所有人的支持和信任,对我来说意义重大。 You’ve already got a little bit of Michael’s accent as well. Wonderful. Thank you everybody for all the support and trust. It just means so much.