20190521EMF 爱上最好年龄的人

20190521EMF 爱上最好年龄的人

2019-05-21    03'58''

主播: 万钧🐱🎸

80 1

5-21麦克风 1. 模拟第一句: 当我看着你的时候,我感到十分幸福。你的微笑融化了我的心,而你的哭声则让我不知所措。你轻而易举地改变了我的人生,我的每一天因为有你在身边而变得更加美好。 I’m blessed when I look at you. Your smile makes my heart melt and the sound of your cry gives me butterflies. You changed my life without even trying. When I have you by my side, my day gets a whole lot better.   2. 模拟第二句: 我也许无法成为你永远的守护者,但是我希望是最好的那一个。我不想给你发短信,我不想给你打电话,我想在你的生活中,默默守着你,分享你的快乐,分担你的压力。我想保护你,就像你小时候我保护你一样。 I may not be your forever guardian, but I want to be your best. I don’t want to text you. I don’t want to call you. I want to be in your life, watch your back, share your joy, take your stress away. I want to protect you (like I did when you were little).   3. 模拟第三句: 我知道我不是完美的,我会冲你大声嚷,我会让你哭,我会说一些气话,然后告诉你其实我不是这个意思。但是抛开这些,你永远不会找到一个人像我这样关心你和爱你了。 I know I’m not perfect. I’ll yell at you, make you cry, say angry words then tell you I don’t really mean it, but put that all aside, and you’ll never never find someone who cares or loves you more than me.