

2019-06-06    03'18''

主播: 万钧🐱🎸

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6-6麦克风 任何人都应该会说英语!下定决心,不要在乎自己几岁了。我觉得学习英语最理想的年龄是 -1岁到100岁。 Every one of us should be an English speaker! Take the plunge, regardless of age. I think the ideal age of learning English is from -1 to 100. 刚开始学习,每天一小时我觉得实际上很好。你把20分钟放在粗略的听力练习,20分钟用来详细地做一些笔记,然后再用20分钟跟着小麦老师朗读。 In the very beginning I think one hour would be actually good. You put like 20 minutes to the rough listening, 20 minutes to make some detailed notes, and then another 20 minutes to try to repeat after Michael. 仅仅背诵语言是不够的,应该更像是,你通过这些早已不止一次学习过的词汇,想要表达什么,想要达成什么。把自己的思想和风格融入英语口语中,让语言变得生动有活力,有色彩,有情感,有心情,有不同的特点,有不同的品味。 It’s not enough to just memorize the language. It’s more like, what are you going to express, or achieve, with those words that you have already learned for more than once, and to bring your ideas and styles into the English speaking and to make the language very lively with colors, with emotions, with different moods, with different characters, with different tastes.