

2019-07-23    04'57''

主播: 万钧🐱🎸

166 3

7-23麦克风 不要把今天的工作拖到明天。这最初是我在《英语麦克风》接受的一个挑战,但是我没想到的是在我身上产生了不可思议的影响。有了这样一个做事的规范,我就会更加关注效率,也能非常充实而且很有成就感地结束一天。 Do not delay today’s work until tomorrow. This started off as a fun little challenge that I took on in EMF. What I wasn’t expecting was the incredible impact that this had on me. Having a parameter like this allowed me to focus on efficiency and finish off my day in a productive and fulfilling way. 在这以前,我常常是拖延或者懒散,然后“今天能做的事情”就变成了“为什么不明天做呢”,因为我陷入了一个循环,不断在想“反正又不是最后期限”,你懂的,“我还有时间呢”。我感觉用这种方式规划一天,我设定了一个基调,而且确定了一种很难打破的模式。 Before doing this, what would happen to me was that I would maybe procrastinate or slack off and then “what could be done today” would turn into “why not do it tomorrow” as I got sucked into the cycle of “it’s not the deadline anyway” and you know “I still have time”. I feel like when I plan out the day that way, I set the tone and, you know, a pattern that is so hard to break out of. 我很喜欢这样,因为我可以说,一天变成了两天。我能用更少的时间做更多的事情。要记住,把每一天当作最后一天来过。我认为这是当我略微有点偏离轨道时非常棒的提醒。 I love this because I can say that one day is like two days. I can do more with less time. And just remember this: Live each day as if it were your last. I think that’s a fantastic reminder when I get a little bit off-track with things.