

2014-07-27    60'01''

主播: Mikeye

660 16

话题 : 6月 8日每日轻松学英语《英语PK台》本周精彩回放。节目直播:14:00-15:00 当晚重播:22:00-23:00今日嘉宾:Henryinchina 精品美语发音技术指导 课堂实战今日主题:说好流利美语的方法论与实践操练,英语音标从头学:金牌音标(一)今日要领:摩擦音—浊辅音【v】【ð】。直播课堂微信语音练习:goingforgold2012 , 独家精品课堂,欢迎收听参与! 2014-06-08 6月 8日每日轻松学英语《英语PK台》本周精彩回放 节目直播:14:00-15:00 当晚重播:22:00-23:00 今日嘉宾:Henryinchina 精品美语发音技术指导+课堂实战 今日主题:说好流利美语的方法论与实践操练,英语音标从头学:金牌音标(一)今日要领:摩擦音—浊辅音【v】【ð】。直播课堂微信语音练习:goingforgold2012 , 独家精品课堂,欢迎收听参与! 了解今日课堂题目: 全新六月,每周四精品发音课堂将带来大家等待已久的基础发音课【打造流利发音•第二季•英语音标从头学】欢迎朋友们锁定收听周四课堂精品并踊跃参与微信互动练习,发音课练耳练脑练嘴,欢迎你每周坚持挑战自己的发音旧习,不断磨练打造出顺滑优美语音,让我们一起从基础再出发!今天Henry老师将带领同学们练习音标中的摩擦音—浊辅音:【v】【ð】,并附有大量练习题欢迎大家语音试练,将有机会在直播课堂得到老师的进行实战指导,今天我们还要继续来玩猜音标的好玩的小游戏,你准备好了吗? 英语PK台周一至周五 网络听直播 直播:14:00-15:00 重播:22:00-23:00 午晚英语加油站,英语给你好能量! 了解今日课堂: What am I saying? (Warmup) So we’re going to play a game. I’m going to say something very slowly, syllable by syllable. You guys can say it with me. And I want you to listen and try to figure out what I’m saying. jər gʌ nə wɑ nə ge’ muər reks biər ri jɪns bə fuər ju wə plɑɪ ɑɪ dʒʌs wɑ nɪ tə hæ və lʊ kɪ dər re zə meɪ bə fuər jə hɑɪ jər dər So what do you think? What am I saying? =\ The Golden Rules [Golden Rule #1] Every syllable begins with a consonant [Golden Rule #2] Maintain the correct number of syllables. The 5 kinds of Linking Techniques A. Vowel to Consonant 1. There’s a book on the table. B. Geminates 1. Same: It takes two to tango. 2. Similar: I made Tim do it. C. Omission 1. T dropping: What? / I wasn’t sent here as a punishment 2. D dropping: 3. H Silencing: He’s in his office D. Transformation 1. Don’t you 2. Didn’t you 3. Want to 4. Going to 5. Got to E. Insertion (Watch video online) 1. Idea 2. Situation 今日音标要点:摩擦音—浊辅音 Problem Consonants: Most common words with 【V】 2. never, 3. ever, 4. over, 5. very, 6. give, 7. have, 8. love, 9. everything, 10. every, 11. even, 12. move, 13. believe, 14. leave, 15. everybody, 16. haven, 17. live, 18. five, 19. everyone, 20. whatever, 21. live, 22. lives, 23. drive, 24. living, 25. moving, 26. alive, 27. gave, 28. movie, 29. giving, 30. forever, 31. lovely, 32. given, 33. evening, 34. cover, 35. seven, 36. leaving, 37. loved, 38. river, 39. voice, 40. above, 41. evil, 42. saved, 43. government, 44. forgive, 45. private. Most common words with 【ð】 1. the 2. than 3. those 4. that 5. other 6. this 7. these 8. their 9. them 10. they 11. there 12. mother 13. father 14. another 15. together 16. brother 17. though 18. either 19. rather 20. others 对话练习: Modern Family S01 E01 Dialogue [ 00:00 - 00:40] Claire: Kids! Breakfast! … Kids? Phil would you go get them? Kids! Phil: Yeah, just a sec. Phil: That is… Kids! Get down here! Haley: Why are you guys yelling at us when we’re way upstairs? Just text me. Claire: Alright, that’s not going to happen. And wow, you’re not going to wear that outfit. Haley: What’s wrong with it? Claire: Honey, do you have something to say to your daughter about her skirt? Phil: Sorry. Oh yeah, that looks really cute sweetheart. Claire: No. It’s way too short. People know you’re a girl, you don’t need to prove it to them.
下一期: 金牌音标(二)