

2016-07-15    12'10''

主播: 刘大芊•Tina

65 4

7️⃣特别轻松的一天,重看了几集原声的Harry Potter,觉得罗恩和赫敏真的好配啊嘻嘻,哈利波特也好可耐。晚上八点还冒雨去web上了salon5,在课堂上沉默的时候飙理念真的很拉风,可以,真很大芊。讲真来中加的这后半年自己真的变化好多噢。明天争取早起多刷几个part的口语练习,多精听精读几篇,乖乖的才能让自己的暑假不白费:)今天录了part1的两个主题,都是题库里选的,总结的单词和句子在问题后面,听了看了的可以留个言嘛? BGM:Reality/Lost Frequencies Study Efficiency 1. Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon? 2. Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning? 3. What do you do to improve your learning efficiency? School 1. How old were you when you started school? 2. How did you get to school each day? 3. Are you still in contact with any of the friends you had in primary school? 4. What were some of the most popular activities in primary school? 5. Have you ever returned to see your old school again? indeed adv.的确 I suppose… 我认为 science suggests/shows… 科学表明 recite words 背单词 lack of sleep 缺乏睡眠 maintain a positive learning state 保持一个积极的学习状态 combine v.结合 mix work/study with adequate rest劳逸结合 kindergarten 幼儿园 initiation education 启蒙教育 foundation stone 奠基石 class reunion 同学聚会 corridor n.走廊