

2014-08-07    04'19''

主播: EZFM China Drive

15610 74

澳大利亚"今日西澳":澳大利亚公共交通部门在8月6日发布的一组视频截图显示,在澳大利亚珀斯,众多乘客一齐用力推列车车厢,以解救一名将腿卡在车身与月台之间的乘客. Western Australia Today: Dozens of passengers have had to rock a train carriage back and forth to free a man whose leg was caught in the gap at a Perth station. Public Transport Authority spokesman David Hynes said the man was boarding the train into the city at Stirling Station on Wednesday morning when he stepped awkwardly, causing him to slip down the gap. Mr Hynes said a number of moves were taken to pull him out, but it's not working. "So passengers were asked to stand to the other side of the carriage to push the weight away from the man but it was not enough to free him. When that didn't work, they got people off and gathered together enough of them to line up, 50 or so, and say 'one, two, three, push'". My Hynes described it as a "heartwarming" rescue where "people power saves the day". He warned people to "mind the gap" and not to stand near the doorways of arriving trains. A passenger, known only as Nic, said the man appeared to be in shock but not in pain, and was lifted to safety by two other passengers once the gap widened. Paramedics treated the man but he was not badly injured and caught a later train. Nic said the incident made him rethink the warning "mind the gap". Nic said it's not something you sort of think about or really take seriously.