

2019-05-03    04'31''

主播: 布衣之声

1824 11

I walked into a restaurant and after going the menu, I ordered some food. After about 20 minutes a group of guys and ladies walked in and ordered theirs. To my dismay, these folks got served first.I watched as they began to eat and laugh heartily. I even overheard one of them bragging about how he's connected to everyone in the hotel and I felt mocked. I decided to leave. Unable to take it anymore, I called the waiter. He calmly told me: "Yours is a special order,being prepared by the head chef himself.Their orders were prepared hurriedly by students on attachment because the top chefs are busy with yours.That's why they were served first.Please have some juice as you wait". I calmed down and waited patiently. Shortly after, my meal was served by 6 waiters. Unknown to me, the owner of the hotel(who happened to be an old long lost friend of mine)saw me when I entered and decided to surprise me.She changed my simple meal to a five-star meal. The party at the other table were shocked. They couldn't stop staring. Suddenly they were the ones murmuring,asking why they didn't get that kind of service and meal. Such is life! Some people are ahead of you and are eating now,laughing at you and talking about how they are smarter, wiser and better than you,how they are well connected , blessed, have money and are enjoying life. You are waiting tirelessly,wondering why it’s taking so long to breakthrough. You endure mockery and humiliation . Maybe you've gone through depression or suffered severe mental anxiety. Don't you worry! Life has seen you and doesn't want you to be served a simple meal like those making a mockery of you. You're waiting long because yours is a special meal. It takes time to prepare. And only head chefs prepare them. Wait for your meal and relax. When it comes that laughing party will be silenced for good. 我去一家酒店里的餐厅吃饭。拿到菜单之后,我点了餐。大概20分钟后,一群男男女女走进来,也点了餐。令我失望的是,服务员先送来了他们的食物。我看着他们开始吃饭,席间开怀大笑。我甚至听到他们中的一个人吹嘘自己和酒店里每个人都很熟络。我感到自己受到了嘲笑,我决定离开。忍无可忍,我叫了服务员。没想到服务员对我说:“您下的菜单是一份特殊招待,由厨师长本人烹饪。那些人的是由厨师长手下的学徒匆匆忙忙准备出来的,因为厨师长正忙着准备你的食物,这就是他们的食物先上桌的原因。请您稍等一下,先喝杯果汁吧。” 我冷静下来,耐心的等待着。 没过多久,6个服务员齐齐上阵来伺候我吃饭。 原来,我不知道的是,这家酒店的老板(此人是我的老朋友,我们多年没有联系了)。我走进酒店的时候,正好看到了我。于是决定给我一个惊喜,她为我把一顿简单的饭菜变成了一餐五星级的豪华宴席。 旁边一桌的男男女女被震惊了。他们眼睛一眨不眨的盯着我,瞬间,他们变成了抱怨的一方,质问为什么他们没有享受到这么高级的服务,吃到这么豪华的食物。 这不就是生活吗? 有些人生活的步伐早于你,他们已经在享受胜利的果实,他们嘲笑你,告诉你他们如何如何比你更聪明,比你更睿智,各方面都胜过你。告诉你他们如何如何人脉恒通,受到上天恩赐,有钱任性,享受着美满的生活 而你还在承受着漫长的等待。 思考着为什么你想要获得成就,需要等待这么长的时间。你忍受着旁人的嘲笑和羞辱。也许你因此曾深陷抑郁,或者因为精神焦虑备受煎熬。 请别担心! 命运已经看到了你,不希望你获得的收获太过微薄。就像那些嘲笑你的人所获得的一样。你之所以会等待这么久,是因为命运为你准备了一份特殊招待,需要花时间来准备这份招待,必须由厨师长亲自烹饪。 所以,请放松一点,耐心等一等! 当属于你的这份成就上桌的时候,那些嘲笑你的人会永远沉默下去!
上一期: 变老的路上 渐渐懂得
下一期: 五月 怀想