

2015-05-24    61'08''

主播: LIN FM

2993 3

“分享一本有声人文杂志,聆听来自世界不同的声音”【李霖有约】空中与你相约,首播在厦门广播FM94, 2015年 5月 23日 中国时间周六下午13:00pm —14:00pm (欧美地区朋友请自动调整时间)。【李霖有约】有约宁波慧日禅寺释妙山师父,她原名张圆晨,年仅29岁,曾在英国留学3年,为何最终选择出家?她又是如何寻找剃度恩师?教育界的父母又是如何从反对到全力支持呢?从小伴着她长大的为何是这句话【人活着为了什么?】,这一切的一切就在这集的【李霖有约】有约释妙山师父的故事人生,敬请收听这周的【李霖有约】心灵之旅。手机、电脑网络在线收听定击这网址: http://radio.weibo.com/fujian/fm940 首播后重播网络喜马拉雅电台+荔枝电台: 李霖有约 My dear Friends, Xiamen, CA: Xiamen Media Group’s FM Radio Station 94, May 23, 2015 from 13:00 p.m. to 14:00 p.m. China standard time (cst) . In this week, I will interview whose monk in the Buddha Temple. How she become to a Buddhist? All the questions and stories are in this week LILIN Radio show. Please tune in this week to radio FM station 94 for your most updated news on travel, fashion, Chinese and American cultures,and exclusive interviews. Li Lin’s radio show is also available and streaming online at http://radio.weibo.com/fujian/fm940 After Repeat at: http://url.cn/S4SGB1 http://nj.lizhi.fm/radio/list Thank you very much for your consideration and until next time!