

2016-04-09    02'11''

主播: 晓华亲子英语

37791 817

发现孩子不舒服,量脉搏,量体温: ---Are you OK? ---I'm not feeling well. ---What's wrong? ---My stomach hurts. ---Let me feel your pulse. Hm, it's a bit fast. ---Let me take your temperature. ---Oops. 38 degrees! You've got a fever. ---Let's go and see the doctor. ---No! I don't want to go to the hospital! ---But if you go, you'll get well faster. 劝孩子吃药: ---How are you feeling right now? Better? ---Not really. ---Here's some water. And take this pill with the water. ---Yuck! ---Don't worry. I put sugar in the water. Remember? A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down! ---OK...... Well, it's not as bad as I thought. ---Told ya! Drink lots of water and get plenty of rest, and you'll be fine very soon. 稍微恢复点力气的孩子,立刻想要看电视。这时只能采用拖延战术了: ---Mom, I'm bored. Can I watch some TV? ---How about I read you a story? ---OK. ---Now can I watch some TV? ---How about we listen to some music? ---OK. --- Now can I watch some TV? ---Are you feeling better? ---Yes! ---Great. Then you can read a book you like. ---......