Prince of Wales-tom hiddleston

Prince of Wales-tom hiddleston

2015-09-27    01'36''

主播: 詹一美菊苣……

7451 328

I know you all 我知道你们是什么样的人 And will awhile uphold the unyoked humor of your idleness 虽然暂且和你们一起鬼混 Yet herein will I imitate the sun 但其实我在效法太阳 Who doth permit the base contagious clouds to smother up his beauty from the world 容忍敝日的浮云遮盖它的美貌 That, when he please again to be himself being wanted, he may be more wondered at, 然而一旦它冲破污秽丑恶的迷雾,重展威颜的时候 By breaking through the foul and ugly mists of vapors that did seem to strangle him 人们因对他渴望已久而会格外惊奇赞叹 If all the year were playing holidays 要是一年到头都吃喝玩乐 To sport would be as tedious as to work 那也只会变得与劳作一样索然无趣 But when they seldom come, they wished for come,正因为机会难得 才令人如此期盼 And nothing pleaseth but rare accidents, 唯有意外才萌生惊喜 So, when this loose behavior I throw off 所以一旦我浪子回头 And pay the debt I never promised 做出出人意料之举 By how much better than my word I am, 让世人看到我并非那么不堪 By so much shall I falsify men's hopes. 则会远远超出他们对我的期望 And like bright metal on a sullen ground 就像放在灰暗地上的耀眼的金属 My reformation, glittering o'er my fault 我的改头换面 会瑕不掩瑜 shall show more goodly and attract more eyes 比那些向来优秀的人 than that which hath no foil to set it off, 更显卓越非凡 引人注目 I'll so offend to make of fence a skill, 叛逆不羁 只是我的手段 redeeming time when men men think least I will, 在人们对我绝望透顶时再彻底洗心革面