

2016-02-29    08'55''

主播: 每日听写

4243 114

omantic Comedy 浪漫喜剧 It was heart warming and a total laughriot 天天解析: heart warming= affect your emotion in a positive way 让你很感动 laugh riot [læf ˈraɪət] =funny 好玩 Scientific fiction 科幻电影 The special effects are breathtaking 天天解析: special effect: 特效 breathtaking: 激动人心的,扣人心弦的= incredible Horror moive 恐怖电影 It makes my blood run cold 天天解析: make one's blood run cold 让某人胆颤心惊 例句 My father’s angry face always makes my blood run cold. 我父亲愤怒的时候 Documentary movie 纪录片 It gives me food for thought 天天解析: food for thought 引人深思 Action thriller: 惊险动作片 The plot is intriguing. 天天解析 plot=context, the story of the movie intriguing = interesting 天天口语营-19.00-19.25 你将要学习到的一句 that was great! the special effects were incredible! 好精彩! 特效很棒! 单词 effect 中e 的不同发音 incredible 中i 怎么发音? 句子 that was great! 看原声如何强调 incredible如何念可以念出“超棒”的感觉? 所有这些, 都在19.00-19.25的天天口语营! 如何参加天天口语营 99元3个月(2月29日-5月29日 ) 48次微信群直播课。每周四次的直播 19.00-19.25 微信群直播课程。 错过时间,爬楼看效果也棒棒的! 报名方式:扫描二维码,支付成功之后,添加天天微信“tiantianenglish1234",发送付费截图