Happy  Hippo

Happy Hippo

2018-01-13    03'05''

主播: Gemini-girl

77 1

Do you know a happy hippo? I don't suppose you do.  Here's a happy hippo. He says "Hello!" to you.  He's a happy hippo, That is no mistake- He's a very happy hippo, When he's eating happy hippo cake.  He's a happy hippo, As anyone can see- When he sails his hippo boat, he's as happy as can be.  He's a happy hippo, you'll never see him frown- He's a happy hippo, when he's driving into town.  When he meets his hippo friends he does the happy hippo dance.  And he'll do a happy somersault given half the chance.  He thinks happy hippo thoughts all through his happy day- The pop into his head, and then they float away.  Happy thoughts of- Pancakes! Milkshakes! Jumping up and down.  Cute cats! Funny hats! Running round and round.  Clever poodles! Silly doodles! Eating carrot soup.  Ice cream! Nice dreams! Looping the loop.  Muddy puddles! Lots of cuddles! Climbing up a tree.  Blue sky! Cherry pie! Swimming in the sea.  All these happy hippo thoughts are all around us everywhere.  If you're lucky, you might catch one as it whizzes through the air.  You might be in the park, or you might be in your bed, when you find a happy hippo thought pop into your head.  Collect them all and save them for a rainy day.  Once you've had a happy thought it never really goes away.  Now you know a happy hippo, perhaps he could be your friend.  Here's a happy hippo, and here's the happy end!