Good Night  Moon 

Good Night  Moon 

2018-01-24    01'40''

主播: Gemini-girl

47 0

In the great green room, there was a telephone, and a red balloon, and a picture of -- 在一间绿屋子里,摆放着一架电话机,一个红气球,墙上还挂了一幅画—— The cow jumping over the moon. And there were three little bears sitting on chairs.  这幅画上是一只正在跳过月亮的母牛,还有三只坐在椅子上的小熊。   And two little kittens, and a pair of mittens.  这儿还有两只小猫,一副手套。 And a little toy house, and a young mouse.  一座玩具房子,还有一只小耗子。 And a comb and a brush and a bowl full of mush.  一把梳子,一个刷子,一碗浓粥。 And a quiet old lady who was whispering "hush". 一位安祥的老婆婆,正轻轻地说:“嘘……”   Good night, room.  Good night, moon.  晚安,房间。 晚安,月亮。 Good night cow jumping over the moon.  Good night light and the red balloon.  晚安,跳过月亮的母牛。 晚安,灯光。晚安,红气球。 Good night, bears. Good night, chairs.  晚安,小熊。 晚安,椅子。 Good night, kittens and good night mittens. Good night, clocks and good night socks.  晚安,小猫。晚安,手套。 晚安,大钟。晚安,短袜。 Good night, little house and good night mouse. Good night, comb and good night brush.  晚安,小房子。晚安,小耗子。 晚安,梳子。晚安,刷子。 Good night, nobody. Good night, mush. 晚安,不在这里的人。 晚安,浓粥。 And good night to the old lady whispering "hush".  晚安,说“嘘”的老婆婆。 Good night, stars.  Good night, air. 晚安,星星。 晚安,天空。 Good night, noises everywhere.  晚安,所有角落里的声音。