

2018-01-02    02'00''

主播: ♛‖【大薇薇】

131 2

Spring flowers and autumn moon--when will they be ended? How many past events can we tell? The east wind blew through my small lodge again last night. The old country, bathed in a bright moon, is an overwhelming sight! Those carved balustrades, those marble terraces--- They should still be there, only the rosy cheeks have faded. How much sorrow, pray ,can a person carry like the spring torrent flowing eastward without tarry. 虞美人-李煜 春花秋月何时了, 往事知多少。 小楼昨夜又东风, 故国不堪回首月明中。 雕阑玉砌应犹在, 只是朱颜改。 问君能有几多愁, 恰是一江春水向东流。