

2018-12-12    02'05''

主播: 宝爷爷

158 1

婴幼儿故事狮子、女巫和衣橱 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe(44)2019-01-21 They immediately carried out Susan's very sensible plan. The coats were rather too big for them so that they came down to their heels and looked more like royal robes than coats when they had put them on. But they all felt a good deal warmer and each thought the others looked better in their new get-up and more suitable to the landscape. "We can pretend we are Arctic explorers," said Lucy. "This is going to be exciting enough without pretending," said Peter, as he began leading the way forward into the forest. There were heavy darkish clouds overhead and it looked as if there might be more snow before night. "I say," began Edmund presently, "oughtn't we to be bearing a bit more to the left, that is, if we are aiming for the lamp-post?" He had forgotten for the moment that he must pretend never to have been in the wood before. The moment the words were out of his mouth he realized that he had given himself away. Everyone stopped; everyone stared at him. Peter whistled. "So you really were here," he said, "that time Lu said she'd met you in here - and you made out she was telling lies." 于是,他们就立即执行了苏珊的这个合情合理的计划。衣服太大,他们套在身上,一直拖到脚后跟,就像是穿了龙袍似的。但他们都感到暖和多了,相互一打量,也都觉得这样打扮显得更好看了,与冰天雪地的风光也更相配了。 “我们可以装扮成北极探险家。”露茜说。 “就这样,不用什么打扮,也够威风的了。”彼得一边说,一边领着大家朝森林前进。头上乌云密布,似乎在傍晚前还要下一场大雪。 “喂,”走了一会儿以后爱德蒙说,“如果我们要到灯柱那边去的话,我们就应该向左边靠一点儿。”他一时忘记了,他必须装得像是他以前没来过这儿。话刚说出口,他就意识到自己露了马脚。大家停了下来,都盯住他看。彼得吹了一声口哨。 “你原来到过这儿,”他说,“那次露茜说在这儿碰见你,你却一口咬定她说谎。”