

2019-01-19    02'22''

主播: 宝爷爷

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婴幼儿故事狮子、女巫和衣橱 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe(72)2019-02-18 Then at last he began to wonder why the lion was standing so still - for it hadn't moved one inch since he first set eyes on it. Edmund now ventured a little nearer, still keeping in the shadow of the arch as much as he could. He now saw from the way the lion was standing that it couldn't have been looking at him at all. ("But supposing it turns its head?" thought Edmund.) In fact it was staring at something else namely a little: dwarf who stood with his back to it about four feet away. "Aha!" thought Edmund. "When it springs at the dwarf then will be my chance to escape." But still the lion never moved, nor did the dwarf. And now at last Edmund remembered what the others had said about the White Witch turning people into stone. Perhaps this was only a stone lion. And as soon as he had thought of that he noticed that the lion's back and the top of its head were covered with snow. Of course it must be only a statue! No living animal would have let itself get covered with snow. Then very slowly and with his heart beating as if it would burst, Edmund ventured to go up to the lion. Even now he hardly dared to touch it, but at last he put out his hand, very quickly, and did. It was cold stone. He had been frightened of a mere statue! 后来他终于想知道那狮子干吗蹲着一动也不动——因为自从他看见它以来,它就纹丝儿没动过。这会儿爱德蒙放大胆走近点,一边仍然尽量躲在拱门的阴影里。他现在从狮子站的架势看出,它根本不可能看见他。(“但假如它转过头来呢?”爱德蒙想道。)事实上它正盯着另外什么东西——就是一个小矮人,他背对狮子站在大约四英尺以外的地方。 “啊哈!”爱德蒙想,“等它扑向那小矮人,那时就是我逃命的机会了。”但狮子仍然一动也不动,小矮人也一样。爱德蒙这时终于想起其他人说过的白妖婆把人变成石头的事。也许这只是一只石狮吧。他一想到这点就注意到狮子背上和头顶上都积满了雪。它当然一定只是个石像!活生生的动物决不会让自己身上积满雪的。于是,爱德蒙慢慢大着胆向狮子走去,一颗心好像要跳出来似的。即使现在他也不大敢摸它,但他终于伸出手来很快地摸了一下。原来是冰冷的石头。只不过是个石像,竟然就把他吓住了!