

2019-01-24    01'44''

主播: 宝爷爷

172 2

婴幼儿故事狮子、女巫和衣橱 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe(80)2019-02-26 And she stopped looking at the dazzling brightness of the frozen river with all its waterfalls of ice and at the white masses of the tree-tops and the great glaring moon and the countless stars and could only watch the little short legs of Mr Beaver going pad-pad-pad-pad through the snow in front of her as if they were never going to stop. Then the moon disappeared and the snow began to fall once more. And at last Lucy was so tired that she was almost asleep and walking at the same time when suddenly she found that Mr Beaver had turned away from the river-bank to the right and was leading them steeply uphill into the very thickest bushes. And then as she came fully awake she found that Mr Beaver was just vanishing into a little hole in the bank which had been almost hidden under the bushes until you were quite on top of it. In fact, by the time she realized what was happening, only his short flat tail was showing. 河面以及水帘子都结了冰,她不再去看那条亮得耀眼的冰河,也不去看树顶上大团大团的雪,以及那光芒四射的大月亮和数不清的星星,只看着前面海狸先生那短小的腿在雪地里啪哒啪哒地走,仿佛永远也停不下来似的。接着月亮不见了,雪又开始下了。最后露茜累得几乎是边走边睡了。突然,她发现海狸先生离开河岸往右走,领着他们奋力爬上陡峭的山坡,走进密集的灌木丛中。等到她完全清醒过来,她发现海狸先生钻进山坡上的一个小洞里,那个洞几乎完全被灌木丛遮住,一直走到洞口才看得见。事实上等她明白是怎么回事,已经只看得见它那扁扁的短尾巴了。
上一期: 论孩子
下一期: 婴幼儿故事(2019-02-27)