

2019-02-19    01'53''

主播: 宝爷爷

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婴幼儿故事狮子、女巫和衣橱 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe(94)2019-03-12 When that happened there was a moment's silence. And in that silence Edmund could at last listen to the other noise properly. A strange, sweet, rustling, chattering noise - and yet not so strange, for he'd heard it before - if only he could remember where! Then all at once he did remember. It was the noise of running water. All round them though out of sight, there were streams, chattering, murmuring, bubbling, splashing and even (in the distance) roaring. And his heart gave a great leap (though he hardly knew why) when he realized that the frost was over. And much nearer there was a drip-drip-drip from the branches of all the trees. And then, as he looked at one tree he saw a great load of snow slide off it and for the first time since he had entered Narnia he saw the dark green of a fir tree. But he hadn't time to listen or watch any longer, for the Witch said: "Don't sit staring, fool! Get out and help." 出了这事以后,一时四下寂静。爱德蒙总算能好好听一听那声音了。原来那是一种又奇特又可爱的沙沙声、潺潺声—— 但毕竟也不算太奇特,因为他知道自己以前听见过这种声音——要是他想得起在哪儿听见的就好了!接着他突然想起来了。那是流水声。虽然看不见,但就在他们周围,那是小溪潺潺欢唱,水流淙淙,噗噗冒泡,水花四溅,甚至(远处)激流咆哮。等他明白严冬已过,他心头也猛地一跳(虽然他压根不知道为什么)。离他们更近的树木的枝干上都在滴滴答答地滴水。随后,当他看着一棵树时,他看见一大块积雪从树上滑落下来,这是他进入纳尼亚以来第一次看见一棵冷杉树的深绿色。但他没时间多听多看,因为妖婆说话了。 “别坐在那儿干瞪眼,笨蛋!来帮个忙。”