

2019-06-26    01'49''

主播: 宝爷爷

146 1

 长腿叔叔 Daddy Long Legs(101)2019-09-19 You can see with what nicety we have to trim our sails between chemistry and history. I like the historical method best. If I say that William the Conqueror came over in 1492, and Columbus discovered America in 1100 or 1066 or whenever it was, that's a mere detail that the Professor overlooks. It gives a feeling of security and restfulness to the history recitation, that is entirely lacking in chemistry. Sixth-hour bell--I must go to the laboratory and look into a little matter of acids and salts and alkalis. I've burned a hole as big as a plate in the front of my chemistry apron, with hydrochloric acid. If the theory worked, I ought to be able to neutralize that hole with good strong ammonia, oughtn't I? Examinations next week, but who's afraid? Yours ever, Judy 你可以看到在化学和历史这两面帆之间,我们得如何仔细的修剪.我最喜欢历史的方法.如果我说征服者威廉在一四九二年破英军,而哥伦布是在一一零零或是一零六六年发现美洲,对历史教授来说也不过只是错看一个细节罢了.如此一来在引用历史时我感到安心自在,这在化学中是完全缺乏的. 注:当然这两个事件的发生时间是相反的. 第六堂课的钟声 - 我得去实验室仔细瞧瞧酸和塩和碱.我的化学课围裙被我用氯化氢烧了一个盘子大的洞.如果这套理论成立,我应该可以用强氨中和这个洞,不是吗? 下周大考,但是谁怕谁啊? 永远的, 茱蒂