

2019-06-27    01'31''

主播: 宝爷爷

122 1

长腿叔叔 Daddy Long Legs(103)2019-09-21 But we didn't go through; we circumnavigated the barn and picked up the trail where it issued by way of a low shed roof on to the top of a fence. The fox thought he had us there, but we fooled him. Then straight away over two miles of rolling meadow, and awfully hard to follow, for the confetti was getting sparse. The rule is that it must be at the most six feet apart, but they were the longest six feet I ever saw. Finally, after two hours of steady trotting, we tracked Monsieur Fox into the kitchen of Crystal Spring (that's a farm where the girls go in bob sleighs and hay wagons for chicken and waffle suppers) and we found the three foxes placidly eating milk and honey and biscuits. 但是我们没有进去.我们在谷仓绕了一圈,然后挑了一条从小木屋的屋顶通向篱笆顶端的路.狐狸以为摆脱了我们,但是我们把他骗倒了.经过两英里崎岖不平的草原,而且好难追,因为彩纸记号变得稀疏.规则是彩纸间的距离要有六英尺,但那是我见过最长的六英尺.终于,在整整跑了两个小时之后,我们在水晶之泉农场的厨房(一个我们会驾着大雪橇和干草马车去吃鸡肉和松饼的地方)抓到狐狸,三只狐狸安静的在那儿喝着蜂蜜牛奶吃饼干.他们没想到我们会追到这么远,以为又高又小的谷仓窗户把我们难倒了. 注:一英尺约等于三十公分.