

2019-07-19    01'35''

主播: 宝爷爷

98 3

长腿叔叔 Daddy Long Legs(127)2019-10-15 2nd June Dear Daddy-Long-Legs, You will never guess the nice thing that has happened. The McBrides have asked me to spend the summer at their camp in the Adirondacks! They belong to a sort of club on a lovely little lake in the middle of the woods. The different members have houses made of logs dotted about among the trees, and they go canoeing on the lake, and take long walks through trails to other camps, and have dances once a week in the club house--Jimmie McBride is going to have a college friend visiting him part of the summer, so you see we shall have plenty of men to dance with. Wasn't it sweet of Mrs. McBride to ask me? It appears that she liked me when I was there for Christmas. Please excuse this being short. It isn't a real letter; it's just to let you know that I'm disposed of for the summer. Yours, In a VERY contented frame of mind, Judy 六月二日 亲爱的长腿叔叔: 你绝猜不到发生了什么好事. 麦克白家邀请我去他们家在阿帝朗德克斯的露营地过暑假.他们家是森林中一个可爱的小湖的某个俱乐部的成员.不同的成员拥有座落在林中的小木屋,大家在湖上划独木舟,从一个营地健行到另一个,每周在俱乐部跳一次舞 - 吉米麦克白的一个大学同学会来找他,可想而知我们会有蛮多男士可以共舞的. 麦克白太太邀请我去,她真是一个好人,不是吗?看起来我去麦克白家过耶诞时,她对我留下不错的印象. 请原谅这封信的简短.这并不算是一封信,只是让你知道我如何安排暑假. 非常满足的, 茱蒂