第六十六章 后已 中英文双语

第六十六章 后已 中英文双语

2016-09-05    56'42''

主播: 吴穗琼

195 16

第六十六章后己 江海所以能为百谷王者,以其善下之,故能为百谷王。是以圣人欲上民,必以言下之;欲先民,必以身后之。是以圣人处上而民不重,处前而民不害,是以天下乐推而不厌。以其不争,故天下莫能与之争。 66. Lead by Following The river carves out the valley by flowing beneath it. Thereby the river is the master of the valley. In order to master people One must speak as their servant; In order to lead people One must follow them. So when the sage rises above the people, They do not feel oppressed; And when the sage stands before the people, They do not feel hindered. So the popularity of the sage does not fail, He does not contend, and no one contends against him. 感谢您收听我们的节目。大家听到的,是由“北美东学西渐促进会”,“中美禅文化交流协会”,及北京“时照道德文化推广”机构合办的,【中美道德经电话大课堂】的回放。该节目自2012年开始,历时两年多,完成了全部《道德经》八十一章的中、英文讲解。我们坚信传统文化的“中道精神”,是东方文明给信息时代的献礼。也坚信《道德经》必将成为二十一世纪全人类的圣经。请您聆听并推广转播。 主讲:吴穗琼 Joey ,中美禅文化交流协会 会长 翻译:吴明杰 Ming,中美禅文化交流协会 副会长