【小听童中英文绘本故事】花婆婆3Miss Rumphius下集

【小听童中英文绘本故事】花婆婆3Miss Rumphius下集

2016-06-13    13'58''

主播: 小听童

311 12

【小听童中英文绘本故事】花婆婆3Miss Rumphius下集 After a hard winter spring came. 冬天过去,春天又来了。 Miss Rumphius was feeling much better. 她的身体好多了。 Now she could take walks again. 她可以出门散散步。 0 One afternoon she started to go up and over the hill, where she had not been in a long time. 有一天下午,她慢慢地走到山坡上,她很久没来这里了。 "I don't believe my eyes!" she cried when she got to the top. 当她登上山顶,忍不住惊喜地说:“我真不敢相信自己的眼睛。” For there on the other side of the hill was a large patch of blue and purple and rose-colored lupines! 原来,那里开满了一大片蓝色、紫色和粉红色的鲁冰花。 "It was the wind," she said as she knelt in delight. “一定是风儿!”她高兴地蹲下来看着花朵。 "It was the wind that brought the seeds from my garden here! And the birds must have helped!" “一定是风和小鸟儿,从我的花园里把种子带到这里。” Then Miss Rumphius had a wonderful idea! 忽然,她想到了一个很棒的点子。 She hurried home and got out her seed catalogues. She sent off to the very best seed house for five bushels of lupine seed. 她急忙回家找出种子目录,然后按目录上的地址写信到最好的种子商店购买了5蒲式耳(蒲 式耳是容量单位)的鲁冰花种子 All that summer Miss Rumphius, her pockets full of seeds, wandered over fields and headlands, sowing lupines. 整个夏天,她的口袋里装满了种子,她一面在田野里散步,一面撒种子。 She scattered seeds along the highways and down the country lanes. She flung handfuls of them around the schoolhouse and back of the church. She tossed them into hollows and along stone walls. 她把种子撒在公路和乡间的小路边, 撒在学校附近、教堂后面,撒在空地和高墙下面,只要她经过的地方,她就不停地撒种子, 这里撒一点儿,那里撒一点儿…… Her back didn't hurt her any more at all. 她的背部一点儿也不痛了,每天都高兴地出去撒种子。 Now some people called her That Crazy Old Lady. 大家都叫她:“又老又疯的怪婆婆。” The next spring there were lupines everywhere. 第二年春天,那些种子几乎同时开花了! Fields and hillsides were covered with blue and purple and rose-colored flowers. 原野上、山坡上开满了蓝色的、紫色的和粉红色的鲁冰花。 They bloomed along the highways and down the lanes. 它们沿着公路和乡间小路盛开着。 Bright patches lay around the schoolhouse and back of the church. 明亮地点缀在教室和教堂后面。 Down in the hollows and along the stone walls grew the beautiful flowers. 连空地上和高高的石墙下面,都开满了美丽的鲁冰花。 Miss Rumphius had done the third, the most difficult thing of all! 她终于完成了第三件事,也是最困难的一件事! My Great-aunt Alice, Miss Rumphius, is very old now. Her hair is very white. 我的姨婆现在非常老了,她的头发也白了。 Every year there are more and more lupines. 可是,她还是不停地种花,每年都开出更多更美的鲁冰花。 Now they call her the Lupine Lady. 现在,大家都喊她:“花婆婆。” Sometimes my friends stand with me outside her gate, curious to see the old, old lady who planted the fields of lupines. 我常常和朋友站在篱笆外面,好奇地看着她种花。 When she invites us in, we come slowly. 她邀请我们进屋子里的时候,我们总是轻轻地、慢慢地。 We think she is the oldest woman in the world. 朋友们都认为她是世界上最老的一位老婆婆。 Often she tells us stories of faraway places. 她常说一些很远的地方所发生的故事。 "When I grow up," I tell her, "I too will go to faraway places and come home to live by the sea." 有一次,我告诉她:“等我长大以后,要像你一样去很远的地方旅行。当我老了,也要像你 一样住在海边。” "That is all very well, little Alice," says my aunt, "but there is a third thing you must do." “很好,”花婆婆摸摸我的头说,“但是,小艾莉丝,你一定要记得做第三件事。” "What is that?" I ask. “什么事?” "You must do something to make the world more beautiful." “做一件让世界变得更美丽的事。” "All right," I say. “好哇!”我答应得又快又大声。 But I do not know yet what that can be. 但是,我还不知道将来会做什么样的事!