白衬衫P计划公益童谣Tiny Tim

白衬衫P计划公益童谣Tiny Tim

2016-11-03    00'42''

主播: 白衬衫英文启蒙工作室

858 4

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ Tiny Tim. There was a little turtle 有一只小乌龟 his name was tiny tim 他的名字叫小提姆 I put him in the bathtub 我把它放进浴缸里 to see if he Could swim. 看看他会不会游泳 He drank up all the Water. 他喝光所有的水 He ate up all the soap. 他吃光所有的肥皂 And now he is in the bathtub. 现在它在鱼缸里 With a bubble in his throat. 喉咙里有一个泡泡 Bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble pop 泡泡泡泡,泡泡泡泡,爆炸了 Bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble pop 泡泡泡泡,泡泡泡泡,爆炸了