

2014-12-18    03'15''

主播: 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇

20312 554

I think the challenge of playing some unique characters,like Alan and others of really remarkable intelligence,is to humanize them.well that's also,actually,the great gift,I suppose,is to realize that they are bound by the human condition.That,that they are blood and flesh like us,they are living in the same world as us.The more interesting challenges are the ones that they actually face in their stories,either as outsiders or as people who are at odds with the status quo,the way that the world perceives what's normal and what's abnormal about them,and how they have to contest that,and also contests sometimes,what that brings them.Whether it is the normal conundrum or their discovery brings them into being empowered with what their knowledge evolves into.I suppose being remarkably stupid in conparison to any of these people's abilities is difficult sometimes.But that only really manifests,when you're actually asked to do something that they can do.So in the sense of fictional character I played like Sherlock,who's incredibly smart,playing the violin is an absolute nightmare,because that takes,you know,thousands of hours' practice,I am,I'am an actor sort of picking it up once every two years,but you know,that's ,that's when you feel a complete fraud,I didn't see as a challenge,I see it as,well I do,but it becomes a challenge that I relish because I love learning,so from giving the opportunity for this sort of extended higher education.That,you know,this job offers me often with these extraordinary people and that extraodinary talents and worlds and ability,that is something I thrive of. 我认为演绎一些独特的角色,比如阿兰以及其他一些杰出的天才,其挑战在于让他们更有人情味。我认为有一点很重要,我们要知道他们也有人类的局限性。同我们一样,他们也是血肉之躯,他们和我们共同生活在这个世界。更有意思的挑战是,在他 们的故事中他们要面临的挑战。故事中,他们要么是局外人,要么不满于现状,大家对于他们正常与否的评判标准他们如何辩驳,探讨究竟何物致使他们到如此境地。其中有道德难题,还有一种情况,他们的发现让他们能掌控他们知识的衍生物。和这些天赋异禀的人相比,我的智商确实捉急,所以演有些东西就会很费力。但是也是在以下情况才会感觉到,比如在剧中做一些这些天才们会做的事,我扮演过夏洛克这个绝顶聪明的虚构的人物,但剧中要演奏小提琴,这简直就是一场噩梦。因为这样的技能,往往需要上千个小时的练习。而我是一个演员,因为角色需要,每两年(剧开拍)才练一回。这使我总觉得自己就是个彻头彻尾的冒牌货,一开始我没有把这当成是一种挑战,不过现在是了。但这已然成为了我珍视的一项挑战,因为我热爱学习,我有幸得到这样的机会,接受这样高大上的教育,这份工作让我有机会体验杰出的人,秉异的天赋,神奇的世界,不凡的能力,而这正是我赖以成长的沃土。