20180317 EMF 周六放松一下

20180317 EMF 周六放松一下

2018-03-18    00'22''

主播: Angler-Lisa

5 0

We will never reach all of our ideals, but we still need to have ideals and to make working towards them our life's mission. Without ideals, we would have nothing to strive for. 我们永远无法实现所有的理想,但是我们必须拥有理想,并且把实现理想当作我们生命的任务。没有理想,我们就没有努力奋斗的目标。 Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Till yourgood is better and your better is best. 好,更好,最好。永远不要停滞,直到好变成更好,更好变成最好。