

2014-09-24    01'27''

主播: 长颈鹿的项链

12995 185

Yes, life is a journey. One that is much better traveled with a company by our side. Of course, that companion can be just about anyone. A neighbor on the other side of the street, or the man on the other side of the bed. The companion can be a mother with good intentions. Or a child who’s up to no good. Still, despite our best intentions, some of us will lose our companions along the way, and then the journey becomes unbearable. You see, human beings are designed for many things, but loneliness isn’t one of them. 生活就是一场旅行。有人陪伴会惬意得多。当然,那个伴侣可以是任何人。一个住在对面街的邻居,或是一个同床共枕的男人。同行者还可能是一个善良的母亲,或是一个不怀好意的孩子。然而,尽管我们都心存善意,有些人会在路途上失去同伴,随后旅途变得难以承受。你看,上帝造人的时候考虑了很多事,但孤独却不在其中。
上一期: 【30】孩子children
下一期: 【32】春天来了