

2014-10-17    01'36''

主播: 长颈鹿的项链

4044 173

原文: Illness can take on many forms. Those of the body are easy to treat. Much more difficult are the hidden maladies that fester in our hearts, the secret addictions that consume our souls, and the disease we deny which affect our judgment. To survive, we need to find that special someone who can heal us. (Mr.Taylor: I worked so hard all my life, so hard. Now it’s all nothing. I got one daughter I hate and who hates me, and one dead before her time. No one left for me now. Uh, what did I do it for? It was good. I didn’t feel a thing, I have enough pain. I don’t need anymore.) But we can never predict who’ll have the cure for what ails us (The other nurses all warned me you were difficult, Mr.Taylor) or when they’ll show up. (But I think we can get along just fine.) 译文: 疾病分很多种的形式,身体上的伤可以很快复原,难以愈合的是我们内心深处的隐痛。秘密的癖嗜吞噬着我们的灵魂。讳疾忌医影响了我们的判断力。为了生存,我们需找寻那个特别的人作为慰藉。(我一生都在努力,竭尽全力。现在全部化为乌有。我有个女儿,我们彼此憎恨。她英年早逝,剩我孤身一人,我当初那么辛苦又是何必呢? 技术不错,我都没什么感觉,我吃过很多苦,不想再吃苦了)但是我们永远不能预测,谁会抚平我们的伤痛。(别的护士都警告我说你很难相处,泰勒先生)或他们将会何时出现(但我觉得我们会相处愉快的)。