【89】lovely home

【89】lovely home

2015-04-20    01'03''

主播: 长颈鹿的项链

15231 300

Everyone needs a lovely home in suburbia. Mostly so the neighbors will never suspect what's going on inside. Behind these freshly painted walls, you will find parents wrapped with guilt, wives tired of struggling, lovers who have been lied to. Yes, everybody needs a lovely home in suburbia, if for no other reason than to have a place to come home to. 人人都需要在郊区有一个温馨的家。多是因为邻居们不会怀疑屋子里发生了什么。在这些新粉刷的墙后,你会发现饱受内疚折磨的父母、厌倦了挣扎于生计的妻子、被欺骗了的爱人……是的,人人都需要在郊区有个温馨的家。无非是为了能有个回归的港湾。
上一期: 【88】置身黑暗之中