Heart by Heart-Demi Lovato电影圣杯神器插曲。你与我心心相连

Heart by Heart-Demi Lovato电影圣杯神器插曲。你与我心心相连

2014-11-01    03'43''

主播: °Destinyolivia

13.4万 2048

when your soul finds the soul it was waiting for 当你的心终于邂逅那颗一直在等待你的心 When someone walks into your heart through an open door 当你的心终于为那个将走入你心间的人而敞开 When your hand finds the hand it was meant to hold 当你的手终于被命中注定的那双手挽起 Don't let go 不要放手 Someone comes into your world 有一个人走进了你的世界 Suddenly your world has changed forever 瞬间,你的世界永远的改变了 No there's no one else's eyes .That could see into me 再也没有谁的眼睛能像你那样轻易把我看透 No one else's arms can lift.Lift me up so high 再也没有谁的臂膀能像你那样给我安全的温暖 Your love lifts me out of time 你的爱让我穿越时空 And you know my heart by heart 你与我心心相通。 When you're one with the one you were meant to be find 当你和命中注定要遇见的人在一起时 Everything falls in place, all the stars align 所有的一切尘埃落定,所有的星星相依相偎, When you're touched by the cloud that has touched your soul 当你的心被触动沉浸在极度的喜悦里 Don't let go 不要放手 Someone comes into your life 有人走进了你的生命 It's like they've been in your life forever 仿佛他们一直在那里从未离开过 No there's no one else's eyes .That could see into me 再也没有谁的眼睛能像你那样轻易把我看透 No one else's arms can lift .Lift me up so high 再也没有谁的臂膀能像你那样给我安全的温暖 Your love lifts me out of time 你的爱让我穿越时空 And you know my heart by heart 你与我心心相通 So now we've found our way to find each other 所以现在我们找到了自己的方式找到彼此 So now I found my way, to you 所以现在我找到了自己的方式,走向你 No there's no one else's eyes .That could see into me 再也没有谁的眼睛能像你那样轻易把我看透 No one else's arms can lift.Lift me up so high 再也没有谁的臂膀能像你那样给我安全的温暖 Your love lifts me out of time 你的爱让我穿越时空 And you know my heart by heart 你与我心心相连