

2017-01-09    06'59''

主播: TeacherGwen

4266 95

109早读 Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. 语音讲解 单词发音 while /waɪl/ miss /mɪs/ 词间连读 once in a while /wʌnsɪnəwaɪl/ you could miss it /jukəmɪsɪt/ 词汇讲解 1.once in a while phrase. now and then 时而,不时 e.g.He went to see his grandmother every now and then. 他时而去看看他的祖母. now and again 时而 e.g.He chops in now and again. 他不时插一两句话. once in a while 偶尔,有时 e.g.He comes to see me once in a while. 他现在是偶尔来看看我. 2.miss A.“miss”有想念的意思,指因为某物或某人不在了,或者在离你很远的地方,因而想念。在这种情况下,不要使用进行时ing形式。   I miss the carefree days of my youth.   B.“miss”的另一种意思稍有不同,指你找不到某样东西了。在这种情况下,使用ing形式就很常见了。   This puzzle is missing a few pieces.   The police are looking for a missing child.(在这个句子中,“missing”是形容词。)   C.“miss”的第三种意思是说,你试图击打或者投掷某物但没有命中,也就是“未击中/未投中”的意思。   That guy is a terrible basketball player. He always misses the basket.   The forward missed the goal.   D.“miss”的第四种意思是说,约定好了一次见面、一场会议或者某种服务,但你没能赶上或者你没去。   Try not to miss any more classes.   I’m sorry I missed the party. Was it fun?   E.“miss”还有一种用法很重要,和动词用法完全不同,用作未婚女性的称谓。   未婚:Miss   已婚:Mrs.   不确定:Ms.   Our teacher is Miss Rickenbacker.(她没结婚,还是单身。)   The principal’s name is Mrs. Fender.(她已婚。)   Ms. Gibson is a lawyer.(我们不清楚她是否已婚。职业女性通常使用“Ms.”。)
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