

2017-11-23    09'06''

主播: TeacherGwen

6732 96

11.23 早读 Catch the moments of your life. Catch them while you're young and quick. Because sooner than you know it, you'll be old and slow. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 语音讲解 单词发音 while /waɪl/ 连词发音 young and quick /jʌŋənkwɪk/ know it /nəʊwɪt/ you'll /juːl/ be old and slow /bijəʊldənsləʊ/ 轻读重读 重读:catch/moments/young/quick/old/slow 弱读:the/of/your/them/you're/and/because/than/you'll/ 词汇讲解 1.moment noun. 释义:瞬间 例句:It was one of the most exciting moments in his life. 这是他生命中最激动人心的时刻。 注意:在某一瞬间,介词搭配用at,不能用in/on等。 例句:At that moment, everything stopped. 拓展:朋友圈发“状态”:记录自己生活的东西是“瞬间”,所以用moments 作为“状态”的翻译 小专题:有关“微信”的英语 微信号 wechat/wechat number 我们加微信吧 Can I have your Wechat? 加我微信吧!Add me on Wechat 扫码 Scan 二维码 QR code 微信朋友圈 Moments 朋友圈(现实生活中的) Friend Circle 发朋友圈 Post it to my moments 转发 Share 赞 Like 评论 Comment 回复 Reply 发图片 Post photos 发视频 Post videos 发文字消息 Send text message 发语音消息 Send voice message 群聊 Group chat 加好友 friend/ 删除好友 unfriend 关注 Follow/取消关注 unfollow 公众号 Public accounts 粉丝 Follower 既然说到朋友圈了,推荐大家一个视频:朋友圈里的你。 插入视频https://v.qq.com/x/page/g05064rqnem.html 2.sooner than you know it expression. 释义:比你知道的还要早→你还没反应过来 例句:It will be over sooner than you know it. 你还没反应过来呢,就结束了。 know it 可以替换成其他动词,如think. 请看sooner than you think在美剧Adventure Time - Elements Part 4: Cloudy中的应用: 插入视频https://v.qq.com/x/page/y0506xzj36e.html It happens sooner than you think. 比你以为的要更早发生。 请看sooner than you XX 用法在电影 Thor The Dark World 中的应用: It's happening. It's sooner than I calculated. 开始了!比我计算的早! 拓展:before you know it 你知道它之前→事情发生的非常快,你都没意识到→你还没回过神儿来 You'll be fully recovered before you know it. 你还没回过神儿呢就痊愈了。 请看before you know it在美剧《老友记》中的应用: Anyway, one thing led to another, and before you know it, we were kissing. 总之,事情一件接着一件,还没反应过来呢,我们就亲上了。 活学活用 sooner than you know it 造句