

2017-12-05    07'59''

主播: TeacherGwen

1599 90

12.5 早读 What you put out in the world will always come back to you, but never how you predict. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 语音讲解 单词发音 put /pʊt/ world /wɜːld $ wɜːrld/ predict /prɪˈdɪkt/ 连词发音 what you put out in /wɒtʃəpʊtaʊtɪn/ will always /wɪlˈɔːlwəz/ 轻读重读 重读:put out/world/always/come back/predict 弱读:what/you/in/the/will/to/but 词汇讲解 1. put out phrase. 释义:放在外面 (out表“向外”) 释义:to make a fire etc stop burning 近义词:extinguish 熄火 She threw sand on the fire to put it out. 拓展 feel/be put out=to feel upset or offended 心烦 例句:We were a little put out at not being invited to the wedding. 我们没被邀请参加婚礼,有点烦。 2. come back to you 释义:回来你这里 (to表朝、向 ), 例句: You're just deceiving yourself if you think he'll come back to you. 如果你认为他会回到你身边,那你是在自欺欺人。 实际应用中come back to somebody 也可能表示“答复” Could you give us a few days? I'll come back to you as soon as possible. 能不能给我们几天的时间?我会尽快答复你。 拓展: come back (into) 重新流行起来 to become fashionable or popular again Who’d have thought hippy gear would ever come back! High heels are coming back into fashion. 高跟鞋又重新流行起来了。 come back to life 复活 Everything seems to come back to life in spring. 在春天,万事万物似乎又再度苏醒了。 3. predict verb. 释义:to say that something will happen, before it happens 预言,预测; 例句:Sales were five percent lower than predicted. 销量比预计的低了5个百分点。