

2017-12-12    08'00''

主播: TeacherGwen

1860 85

12.12早读 I learned that we are better together. When we put aside our differences and work as a team, there's nothing we can't do. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 语音讲解 单词发音 better/ˈbetə $ -ər/ 英美发音-拓展american t -11.3里讲过 can't /kɑːnt $ kænt/ can/can't 连词发音 put aside our /pʊtəˈsaɪdaʊə/ and work as a /ənwɜːkəzə/ 轻读重读 重读:better together/differences/team/can't 弱读: that /are/our/ and /as a 词汇讲解 1. be better together 释义:最好在一起 插入音乐-better together 歌词分享: And there is no, combination of words I could say But I will still tell you one thing We're Better together. 我没有话语 但我却要告诉你一件事 我们在一起时一切都会好 2. put aside our differences put aside XX: 把XX放在一边、抛掷脑后 释义: to try to stop thinking about a problem, argument, or disagreement, because you want to achieve something 例句:You must put aside your pride and apologise to him. 你必须放下骄傲,向他道歉。 拓展:set aside 放在一边 例句: Please set your phone aside while I'm talking to you! 我跟你说话呢!能把电话放一边吗! set aside for XX 给XX留着(备用) 例句:I will set a piece of cake aside for you. 我会给你留块蛋糕。 You haven't set aside anything for the future. 你们给未来没留下任何东西。 3.work as a team 释义:像一个团队一样工作(合作) 例句: It would be better if the three of you should work as a team. 你们三个人能组成一个小组工作就更好了。 work as a team→teamwork 团队合作 4.there's nothing we can't do. 释义:没有什么是我们做不了的 例句: There's nothing you can't do if you put your mind to it. 如果你用心,没有什么是做不成的。