

2018-07-13    12'19''

主播: TeacherGwen

9065 72

7.13 早读 You'll be shocked when you discover how easy it is in life to part ways with people forever. That's why, you find someone, you wanna keep around. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 1. shocked 清清浊浊 尾音/t/ 2. easy /i:/ /i/ 言之有物 1. shocked——shocking 2. You'll be shocked when you discover how XX it is to... 类比造句: You'll be thrilled when you discover how easy it is to pass the exam. 当你发现通过这门考试这么容易的时候,你会欣喜若狂的。 You'll be angry when you find out the truth. 知道真相的你一定会生气的。 He'll be pissed when he sees how messy the room is. 他看到房间这么乱,一定会生气的。 ....... 3. part ways with somebody forever 与XX永远分离 The celebrity couple parted ways recently. 这对明星伴侣最近分手了。 拓展:go separate ways 分道扬镳 It wasn't until we each went our separate ways that I began to learn how to do things for myself 直到大家各奔东西,我才开始学着自力更生。 3. keep around 呆在身边 keep somebody around