

2018-10-17    11'03''

主播: TeacherGwen

9631 85

10.17 早读 Nature does not grow old as fast as man; Each year the Double Ninth comes round. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 1. grow old +/w/ 2. double bl辅音连缀 3. ninth th // 音 图: 言之有物 1. The Double Ninth Festival 重阳节 The Double Ninth Festival, also named the “Chong Yang Festival”, is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar. 2. come round 苏醒; 周而复始; 造访 同 come around 1.drop in;pay a visit 顺便拜访 Come round when you have time.有空来玩。 2.恢复知觉;恢复健康 Sue was coming around, but she still felt dizzy. 3.change in opinion改变看法 I used to believe otherwise,but now I've come round to your point of view.以前我并不这样想,但现在我已转而同意你的观点了。 4.recover from ill temper,etc.冷静下来(不再耍脾气) Tom came round when Dick told him the whole story.当狄克把事情的全部经过讲出来之后,汤姆变得心平气和了。 5.happen or appear again and in regular order有规律地出现;到来 Christmas will soon come round.圣诞节不久就要来临了。 The holidays have come round again.好了,假期又来到了。