

2018-10-19    09'17''

主播: TeacherGwen

9836 92

10.19 早读 Good parenting isn't about meddling in your children's lives. It's about loving them. ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ →√ ✗ 说的漂亮 今日语音练习重点: 1. parenting 三个音节 2. meddling 两音节 /dl/ 舌边爆破 3. children 不要读成“秋准” 注意ch/dr的发音。 言之有物 1. parenting noun. 养育 抚养/为人父母 英文释义:the skill or activity of looking after your own children good/bad parenting the responsibilities of parenting the fitness for parenting the difficulties of parenting the joy of parenting Parenting can be a stressful business. 为人父母会是一件压力很大的事。 2. meddle in XX's life meddle verb. ①干涉 Don' t meddle in other people' s affairs. 不要干涉别人的事情。 He had no right to meddle in her affairs. 他无权干涉她的事情。 ②瞎搞,乱弄(他人之物) Somebody had been meddling with her computer. 有人擅自摆弄过她的电脑。 Don't meddle with my books. 不要乱动我的书。